I try to release all of my code under Free/Libre licenses, unless I am not able to convince my customers. You can find most of the code I am working on or I have worked with at my GitHub, Drupal and SourceForge profiles. Some of the contributions to free software projects I have carried out over the past years include:
- Free software data visualisation tools for discursive analysis and ontologies combining REST services under Drupal and D3.js libraries, in the context of the H2020 project CANDID.
- A free/libre directory of peer production cases and a free software application for collaborative communities, in the context of the EU FP7 project P2PValue.
- A free software distributed platform for scholars and several official Drupal modules (e.g. Patterns, Patterns Server and Patterns Client) to automatise and exchange websites' configurations. The module Patterns extracted Drupal sites' configurations and stored them in XML or YAML, which are easy to read, modify, manage, & share and can be executed manually or as a part of an automated website deployment. The module inspired the Configuration Management module later on developed for the core of Drupal 8. I made all of these contributions in the context of the FP7 project QLectives.
- The free software module FB Likebox, which is currently deployed in +14k installations on websites worldwide. I developed it during my time as Drupal developer and Project Manager at Educatic SL.
- A free software awareness applications manager in the context of the FP6 Project ASTRA.
- A free software Moodle block to allocate turns for exams considering the needs of students and teachers.
Here you can find a set of handy links to test instances of some of the code I have worked with.
- Drupal Planet Links Archive: archive of links published at Drupal Planet.
- Lab: testing and experiments directory in the GD server.
- Elio: testing server at CRESS, with several QScience instances and other Drupal experimental projects.
- Patterns Server@ETHZ: a Patterns server instance running at a Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) testing server.
- astra.perseum.com: server running experiments of my collaboration with @aperez at NTNU (Norway).
The code is deployed in testing servers which might not work at the time you visit them! ;-)